Category Archives: Flett, Ken
Ken Flett
Ken Flett interview with UVic students in the Fall, 2009 Williams seminar.
Click the arrow to play the sound bite of the quote from the interview (below).
“Collecting art can be objective. It can be like gambling; it can be a game. It’s interesting just to discover the artist behind the work and to just fit all the pieces together it’s like a big puzzle and to see all that work over the years. At least, that’s—I don’t collect art per se but at least that’s what I think and I think Mike enjoyed meeting and discovering and seeing where people went. And he always said at the beginning that the work was going to be donated to UVic.” -Ken Flett
Click the arrow to play the sound bite of the quote from the interview (below).
“The camera is just a way of recording the moment I guess.” -Ken Flett
Click the arrow to play the sound bite of the quote from the interview (below).
“I always thought my work is about caring. I mean I don’t want to sound sappy, but it’s just recognizing those that aren’t recognized. I mean there are millions. But in each of us there’s something. I don’t know how to—it’s just about seeing other people as human and just caring enough to just strip away all of these thoughts on wealth and finance and money and what you do and who you are.” -Ken Flett
Click the arrow to play the sound bite of the quote from the interview (below).
“It’s like my paintings are like buildings, I mean you could build a house with them sometimes. Everything I put in has a strength to it. Whether it’s a tiny little piece of fabric I found and stitched on, it all has some life to it. I’m just building an icon of some sort I suppose.” -Ken Flett
Posted in Flett, Ken
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